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We’re Celebrating Local Heroes

We are proud to be headquartered in central Ohio. We’ve been celebrating with our community for 35 years, and this past year of unprecedented circumstances has certainly presented many challenges. But it’s also taught us not to take a single moment for granted.

We received so many wonderful nominations during the entry period! It lifted our spirits to see such benevolent efforts being made in our own community. The selection process proved challenging. We’d like to thank everyone who nominated an individual and send a major congratulations to our selected Hometown Hero recipients!

This contest is exclusively for Central Ohio residents. See Contest Rules for more details.


Glenda began the Knitting & Crocheting Ministry at St. Matthews in Gahanna, OH, in honor of her mother, who began knitting items for the homeless after she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Since 1995, Glenda has vigorously continued her mother’s mission and today has more than 120 individuals helping her knit, crochet and loom hats, gloves, blankets and more for those in need around central Ohio. All of Glenda’s work is 100% volunteer-based, and she operates it all right out of her home. This past year, the ministry donated nearly 22,000 items to 56 organizations. Glenda’s admirable work and dedication to the community is truly enlightening. She is selflessly driven by the benefits her contributions provide to others. “My mother used to say, ‘we are all only one paycheck away from being homeless’,” states Glenda. It is a quote she remembers well, and lives by daily through her work with the Knitting & Crocheting ministry.

Pictured Left to Right: Glenda Neely, winner; Denise Maksimoski, nominator


Selena Browning, Franklin County

Erin Fehrenbach, Franklin County

Julie Gulley, Franklin County

John Newman, Fairfield County

Caitlin Perdew, Franklin County

Jessica Reynolds, Knox County

Krista Schrader, Delaware County

Christie Stephens, Coshocton County

Tiffany Wedikind, Franklin County

Lisa Woodward, Franklin County

Lisa Zimmerman, Union County